Cargo packaging

We create individual packaging that meets all transportation standards. We also specialize in the packaging of dangerous goods.

AW Logistics OÜ not only makes sure that your shipment is delivered on time and safely, but also that each parcel is properly packed. We offer customised packaging services that comply with all international shipping standards and regulations.

Customised packaging

  • Design and manufacture of packaging according to individual dimensions and cargo requirements;
  • Use of quality and environmentally friendly materials;
  • Ensuring protection against damage and environmental impact.

Dangerous Goods Packaging

  • Specialised packaging for the safe transport of dangerous goods;
  • Compliance with all international standards and requirements;
  • Consultation and training on dangerous goods packaging regulations.

Consultancy services

  • Providing advice on packing specific types of goods;
  • Assessing packaging needs and proposing optimal solutions;
  • Support at all stages of the packaging process.

Consultancy support

  • Regular notifications on shipment status and location;
  • Technical support and advice.

Cost optimisation

  • Selection of the most favourable tariffs and conditions for each client;
  • Offering alternative options to save your budget.

When you contact AW Logistics OÜ, you can rest assured that your shipment will be carefully packaged to meet all the necessary requirements. Contact us to discuss your packaging needs and find out more about how we can help you!

Elina Krilavitsus
Elina Krilavitsus

meie muud teenused

We provide storage services for various types of cargo in our warehouses
We provide all the necessary services in the market.
We create individual packaging that meets all transportation standards. We also specialize in the packaging of dangerous goods.

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